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“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.”–Benjamin Franklin


At Systems Intelligenz we understand people learn best in different ways, this is because individuals have different learning styles- some learn visually, some are auditory-musical learners, some are social learners, while others are kinesthetic learners.

Our understanding of the learning styles of individuals informed our adoption of an interactive learning-teaching style.

With our certificates as well as our professional experience, we are at the forefront of training the next generation of AV professionals to spur them to innovate, securing the future AV market across Africa.

Our training programmes allow our students to learn from industry experts and gain practical experiences on electricity, cabling, construction, installation to the science of sound, bespoke audio-visual production, and digital signage.

At Systems Intelligenz, we offer both individuals and organizations the opportunity to tap into the power of active learning with our innovative AV design and installation services for employees’ training and development.